Reduction in needlestick injuries by double gloving
The operating room at Bassett Medical Center in New York, USA conducted a skills fair and 2 week surgical glove trial to gain double gloving acceptance using a colored indicator glove, to create a synthetic (no natural rubber latex) atmosphere and lower number of products stocked. The health care professionals chose Biogel as the new glove.
Post implementation showed 100% double gloving compliance in all areas but the cardiac surgical team. There was a 31% decrease in needlestick injuries during the first year following implementation. The OR consolidated product usage, projected an approximate USD 43,000 cost reduction in glove spend and clinically benefitted from a no natural rubber latex atmosphere
Learn more and download the infographic and poster below.

A survey has found that needlestick injuries are far more common than previously thought. In April 2019, Mölnlycke® commissioned a first of its kind survey from SERMO, the largest global social network for physicians.

At Mölnlycke®, everything we do is about supporting the performance of our customers. This means supplying them with the most reliable – and most precise – equipment possible. This commitment begins with the design and engineering of Biogel® gloves, and flows right through to the OR.
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