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Nurturing skin grafts: a guide to care and safeguarding

Skin graft management requires gentle care, including wound dressings that cover the skin without sticking to it. Protecting a full-thickness skin graft is important to promote healing.

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  1. David F. et al. A randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial comparing the performance of a soft silicone-coated wound contact layer (Mepitel One) with a lipidocolloid wound contact layer (UrgoTul) in the treatment of acute wounds. International Wound Journal, 2018.
  2. Patton ML, et al. An open, prospective, randomized pilot investigation evaluating pain with the use of a soft silicone wound contact layer vs bridal veil and staples on split thickness skin grafts as a primary dressing. J Burn Care Res. 2013;34(6):674-681.
  3. Collin O. Use of Mepitel One dressing following hand surgery: a case study series. Poster presentation at Wounds UK Conference, United Kingdom, 2009.
  4. Edwards J, et al. Hand burn management: minimizing pain and trauma at dressing change. BJON. 2013; Vol 22, No 20.
  5. Adamietz, I. A. et.al. Effect of Self-Adhesive, Silicone-Coated Polyamide Net Dressing on Irradiated Human Skin. Radiation Oncology Investigations, 1995.
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