New structure sets Mölnlycke up for the future
Mölnlycke now moves to a new structure based on business areas, driven from a customer centric perspective with an end-to-end responsibility. At the same time, we have adapted the company’s Executive Leadership Team, which now consists of ten people evenly distributed between women and men, to the new structure.

From 1 July, Mölnlycke will operate with four decentralised and empowered business areas: Antiseptics, Gloves, OR Solutions and Wound Care, supported by highly focused corporate functions.
The new organisational structure is set to reinforce Mölnlycke’s customer centricity. The business areas will have end-to-end responsibility for all business-specific operations, including P&L and balance sheet.
Alongside the new business areas, the company is introducing the new corporate function of Chief Medical Officer & Regulatory Quality Assurance in order to ensure a visible focus on medical affairs, health economics and clinical evidence and to drive strategic KOL management.
Additionally, Chief Operations Officer Eric de Kesel takes on responsibility for sustainability at Executive Leadership Team level, in recognition of its strategic importance for Mölnlycke’s future.
New Executive Leadership Team
As of 1 July, Mölnlycke’s Executive Leadership Team comprises five women and five men, representing diverse nationalities:
Zlatko Rihter
Business Areas
Anders Andersson, EVP OR Solutions
Katriina Öberg, EVP Gloves
Lina Karlsson, EVP Antiseptics
Rob Claypoole, EVP Wound Care
Corporate Functions
Emma Wright, Chief Medical Officer & EVP Regulatory and Quality Affairs
Eric de Kesel, Chief Operations Officer & EVP Sustainability
Kristin Hedlund, EVP Legal & Compliance
Martin Lexa, Chief People & Communications Officer
Susanne Larsson, Chief Finance Officer, EVP Corporate Strategy, M&A, IT, GBS and Indirect Procurement