Mölnlycke publishes 2021 Annual and Sustainability report
Mölnlycke’s integrated Annual and Sustainability Report is now available for download, outlining the company’s results and performance in 2021.

In a year where we reorganised our business, redefined our strategic focus areas and formalised our sustainability roadmap, Mölnlycke continued to deliver good profitability.
’Given the volatile environment in which lockdowns and supply chain disruptions had an effect on our business, I am proud of our solid performance this year. If we exclude the effects of the one-off surge in personal protective equipment (PPE) sales last year, we increased our sales by 4% in 2021’, says CEO Zlatko Rihter.
During 2021, we strategically assessed our overall business and decided to reorganise into four business areas focused on meeting customer needs. Wound Care, Operating Room Solutions, Gloves and Antiseptics now have end-to-end responsibilities for their businesses and they are fully empowered and accountable for developing and driving their own strategies into success.
In 2021, our sales growth was mainly driven by Wound Care, our largest business area.
We also defined customer centricity, digitalisation and sustainability as the three corporate strategic focus areas into which we will invest. Within sustainability, our new roadmap is based on three cornerstones – Ethical business, Responsible relationships and Green mindset. As part of our new sustainability strategy, we have set ambitious, long-term goals.
Performance highlights include:
- Total net sales of 1,686 million EUR (1,793 million EUR in 2020)
- EBITDA of 486 (540) million EUR
- Organic sales growth of 4% (when excluding the one-off PPE sales)
- 3.2% reduction in total emissions per produced tonne of finished product
- 85% average total waste generated at our sites recycled or incinerated (up from 81% in 2020)
- Our Executive Leadership Team now has equal numbers of male and female
Download our Annual & Sustainability Report 2021